Motoring and Driving Offences
Professional Fees:
You may be eligible for Legal Aid and this can be explored fully with you having regard to all the circumstances.
If you are not eligible for Legal Aid, we will discuss our costs with you and in some cases, we will be able to offer a fixed fee – subject to an initial assessment of your case taking into account issues of complexity and plea.
The fee will depend on location of the court and the complexity of your case. If we represent you at the first hearing on a fixed fee basis and your case is then adjourned to another date or for a trial then our normal hourly rate would then apply subsequently.
How long will it take?
For guilty plea cases, this will be depending on the court date for the final hearing. For not guilty pleas, the average timespan is 3 – 6 months.
Key Stages When Entering A Guilty Plea:
These are the key stages and they are included within our prices:
Initial meeting to take detailed instructions to assist with drafting full statement
Unlimited contact with your case handler throughout the case
Corresponding with and reviewing information and evidence received from prosecution and courts where necessary
Advice regarding the court process, what to expect and the sentencing options available to the court
Taking statements from, and examination of witnesses if necessary
We will conduct any further preparatory work, obtain further instructions from you if necessary and answer any follow up queries you have
Detailed guidance on what character references should address
Representation at court
Advice and assistance regarding result and what happens after the hearing/conclusion of the case