A Complaint Manager from CRCS Legal Ltd will contact you either in writing, e-mail or telephone to confirm receipt of your complaint and to set out an understanding of your concerns.
You may be asked to provide any further comments, or further information, and you will be asked to confirm that the understanding is correct. You will also be asked how you would like to resolve your complaint. This will happen within 5 working days of CRCS Legal Ltd receiving the complaint from the firm.
If you do not confirm that the understanding is correct within 7 days, it will be assumed that the summary is correct, and the Complaint Manager will move to the next stage.
The Complaint Manager will request a copy of your file from the firm for review.
The Complaint Manager may also speak with the person involved at the firm, if it is necessary to address your concerns and a review of your file will be undertaken. This action will take place within 21 working days of your providing further information or clarification that the summary is correct.
The Complaint Manager will then write to you setting out their view of your complaint and making any proposal for resolution, within 7 working days of completing the review. You will be asked to provide any further comments and to consider any resolution that is being proposed.
If you provide any further comments, these will be addressed within 7 working days of receipt of those further comments.
Once all of the issues you have raised have been addressed, the file in respect of your complaint will be closed and the outcome recorded on the firm’s case management system.
NB The timescales are subject to the Complaint Manager’s availability, for example, they may have to change to allow for holiday or absence from the office. If the timescale has to change you will be advised accordingly.